Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants

Image Credit: Ed Chappell
The Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants program provides one-time grants of up to $5,000 for recent unexpected medical, dental, and mental health emergencies to artists in financial need* who are creating in the visual arts, film/video/electronic/digital arts, and choreography.
*To be eligible to apply, your average adjusted gross income for the last two years you’ve filed tax returns must be no greater than $75,000 ($150,000 for joint filers).
Please note:
- Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants are not for lost wages, living expenses, or medical care for individuals other than the artist. Visit NYFA’s Emergency Resources page for a regularly-updated list of emergency resources.
- The need for emergency funding far outpaces available funds. An application to this grant program is not a guarantee of a grant award. In each cycle, we will distribute approximately $150,000 in total funding. Learn more about the review and decision-making process at the bottom of this page.
This program and Rauschenberg Dancer Emergency Grants are made possible through the support of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. Robert Rauschenberg was committed to assisting fellow artists in need of emergency aid, ultimately establishing the nonprofit foundation Change, Inc. in 1970. In this spirit, this program is designed to serve artists in financial need who otherwise may delay critical treatment or incur substantial and perhaps overwhelming debt.
The timeline for Cycle 29 (the current cycle) is listed above. Cycle 29 is for emergencies occurring August 1, 2024 and later.
For Los Angeles County Artists: Cycle 28 has been extended through February 20 at 5:00 PM ET for artists residing in Los Angeles County, a designated FEMA disaster zone. Cycle 28 is for emergencies occurring June 1, 2024 and later.
NYFA is pleased to announce that the Rauschenberg Emergency Grants will continue to be offered through at least June 2025.
Cycle 30:
Application Opens: Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM ET
Application Closes: Tuesday, May 13 at 5:00 PM ET
Applicants Notified: June 27, 2025
For emergencies occurring October 1, 2024 and later.
There are three eligibility criteria in this program: Individual, Artistic, and Emergency. You need to meet all three areas, as of the cycle’s deadline, to apply.
- Applicants must be a generative artist creating work in visual arts, film/video/digital/electronic arts (not a performer), or choreography
- Applicants must be 21 years or older on the cycle’s deadline
- Applicants must reside in the United States, the District of Columbia, a Tribal Nation, or a U.S. Territory
- Applicants must be an artist in need, having an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or lower for an individual, or $150,000 for joint filers, averaged over the last two federal tax returns
- Applicants’ medical emergency and treatment must occur in the U.S. (including D.C., Tribal Nations, and U.S. Territories)
- Applicants must not have received a Rauschenberg Medical or Dancer Emergency Grant previously
- Applicants must not be enrolled in any degree-seeking program
- Applicants must demonstrate current and ongoing activity in their artistic discipline (defined below)
Applicants must be artists with a demonstrated commitment to the eligible artform(s). You need to create original work in at least one of the eligible disciplines, AND have recent and sustained artistic activity. If the work in the eligible discipline is tangential, incidental or infrequent, it is not eligible.
Recent and sustained is defined as activity over the course of at least the last five years, since 2020, with multiple opportunities for the public to experience your work during this time (at least one opportunity annually). This can be through exhibits/screenings/performances/activities in art spaces, galleries, local businesses, art houses/film series, public art installations, public spaces, museums, fairs/festivals, community projects, and/or residencies with public-facing components. Works in progress are eligible; student exhibits, performances, and other activities are not. We do not accept portfolios/work samples. Reduced activity during the pandemic (2020/21) is acceptable if, in such cases, you are able to demonstrate public activity prior to 2020.
Work that is created for online distribution and consumption is eligible IF it is a creative work, and was actively marketed to the public for showing at a specific date and time. If self-produced online presentations or sales of your work are your sole platform, such as Instagram or YouTube, or your work is only available on-demand, we cannot consider your application eligible.
Eligible Artistic Disciplines
Only artists creating work in visual arts, film/video/electronic/digital arts or choreography may apply to this grant program. The applicant must be the primary maker of the creative work—the individual with final creative control. For film/video, only the publicly named director and/or producer or credited co-maker are eligible; they must be the individual with the primary day-to-day responsibility for creating the work in its entirety. Performing artists in film/video or television/live performance, performing arts recorded digitally, and performances/writing distributed online are not eligible. Editors, cinematographers, assistant/line/field producers, television producers, screenwriters, television/film performers and crew members, dance performers, et al are not eligible.
Works which are intended for commercial or mass production, or are work-for-hire projects, are not eligible to be considered in the required artistic history. These include television shows, graphic and fashion design, commissions, and industrial films.
Please review the definitions for the eligible disciplines:
All choreographic styles, including mixed-media or multi-genre performance works in which choreography and/or organized movement is primary. Choreography performed solely within an instructional/training setting; for competitions; or for music videos, TV, and commercial films is not eligible.
Crafts/Sculpture: All forms of craft, including ceramics, glass, wood, metal, fiber, textiles, and mixed media. This category accepts work in all forms of sculpture, including kinetic works and installations.
Painting: Painting of any kind upon any surface.
Photography: Work in traditional and experimental photography or any work in which photography or photographic techniques are pivotal, if not exclusive.
Printmaking/Drawing/Book Arts: Work in visual media other than painting, including artist’s books, aquatints, collages, engravings, etchings, lithographs, monotypes, prints, serigraphs, woodcuts, and drawings.
Film/video directors and producers of independent work are eligible to apply. The applicant must be the primary maker of the creative work – the individual with final creative control. For film/video, only the publicly named director and/or producer or credited co-maker are eligible; they must be the individual with the primary day-to-day responsibility for creating the work in its entirety. Performing artists in film/video or television/live performance, performing arts recorded digitally, and performances/writing distributed online are not eligible. Editors, cinematographers, assistant/line/field producers, television producers, screenwriters, television/film performers and crew members, dance performers, et al are not eligible. Also not eligible are television shows, graphic and fashion design, commissions and industrial films.
Film/Video: Any work in which film/video or film techniques are pivotal, if not exclusive. This category also accepts work that has been initially shot with a film camera. Filmed material that has been transferred to a digital format for editing and processing is acceptable.
Electronic/Digital Arts: Work in which technology is an essential element of the work’s creation, presentation, or understanding. Examples include: work created on video whether manipulated or not, works created or displayed on computers or other electronic media; work created with computer models such as sculptural works; interactive installations including immersive virtual environments; internet projects; hypertext documents; other image, text, audio, or video works rooted in technology
In this program, an emergency is a one-time, unexpected, non-chronic condition as a result of illness, violence, an accident or triggering event, or sudden medical event, that requires treatment to ensure your health or life, and which without treatment has extreme impact on your daily life and ability to carry out/return to your creative practice.
In each cycle, we can consider emergencies that have occurred within approximately the last six months. The earliest date for an eligible emergency is listed in the Cycles information. The medical emergency and treatment must occur in the U.S. (including D.C., Tribal Nations and U.S. Territories).
Applications are open to artists in need creating original, independent work in the visual arts, film/video/electronic/digital arts, or choreography, who are seeking support for a medical, dental or mental health-related emergency. Only generative artists—the creator of the original work—may apply.
When you fill out your application, you will need to:
- Provide your contact information
- Describe the onset and nature of your medical/dental/mental health emergency (maximum 100 words)
- Provide the onset date of the emergency
- Request a grant amount, up to $5,000
- List the specific expenses for which you are requesting funding (maximum 50 words)
- Describe the impact of the emergency on your creative practice (maximum 150 words)
- Describe the economic severity of your condition (maximum 150 words)
- Describe the severity of your medical/dental/mental health condition (maximum 150 words)
- Provide your annual adjusted gross income (averaged over the last two years)
- Complete a checklist to describe your access to resources
- Complete a checklist to describe the medical severity of your condition
- Include as much valid documentation confirming condition/diagnosis and proof of expense as possible, such as:
- Invoices (invoices should include date of service and type of service; name of provider and amount paid/payable).
- Documentation should be from a care provider and be on official letterhead.
- If you haven’t yet received a diagnosis or treatment, and/or your documentation isn’t on hand, provide as much information about your condition as possible, including estimates of treatment costs in your local area, if possible
- Do not send images such as photographs and x-rays.
- Submit a resume/bio/CV which shows recent and sustained artistic practice over the course of at least the last five years, since 2020, in an eligible discipline or disciplines.
- List specific events/opportunities for the public to experience your work over this time (at least once annually), including the year, location (city or town and venue), and title.
- These can include exhibits/screenings/performances/activities in art spaces, galleries, local businesses, art houses/film series, public art installations, public spaces, museums, fairs/festivals, community projects, and/or residencies with public-facing components.
- Works-in-progress are eligible; student exhibits, performances, and other activities are not. We do not accept portfolios/work samples. Reduced activity during the pandemic (2020/21) is acceptable if, in such cases, you are able to demonstrate public activity prior to 2020.
- Work that is created for online distribution and consumption is eligible IF it is a creative work, and was actively marketed to the public for showing at a specific date and time.
- If self-produced online presentations or sales of your work are your sole platform, such as Instagram or YouTube, or your work is only available on-demand, we cannot consider your application eligible.
- If you are a choreographer and perform your own work live, your resume needs to clearly indicate that you were BOTH the choreographer and dancer.
- Certify that the information in the application is true.
You may request funds for related, eligible expenses incurred for up to 12 months from the date of the emergency. For example, if an emergency occurred on November 15, 2024, you can request funds for eligible expenses through November 14, 2025. Funds may be requested for expenses which you have already incurred, or will incur; which you have already paid for or have not. Whether or not you have insurance, you can request funds for your own out-of-pocket expenses. If you have not yet received a diagnosis or treatment because of lack of funding or the timing of this application, you may still apply. If you haven’t yet received a diagnosis or treatment, and/or your documentation isn’t on hand, provide as much information about your condition as possible, including estimates of treatment costs in your local area, if possible. If you receive a grant, you will be required to submit copies of paid bills/receipts for all funded expenses. You may also be required to submit a copy of your two most recently filed tax returns, demonstrating your adjusted gross income.
Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to, these out of pocket costs to the artist:
- Provider (hospital/doctor/dentist/clinic) bills, including co-pays
- Tests/diagnostics/assessments/consultations to determine necessary treatment
- Physical/occupational therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic
- Prescription drugs specifically for the emergency medical condition
- Emergency dental work
- Transportation expenses to/from appointments/treatments
Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to:
- Non-emergency medical conditions
- Ongoing medical/psychological/psychiatric treatment
- Wellness visits, regular check-ups, annual exams or procedures
- Standard vision care or eyeglasses, or hearing aids, or medical equipment (unless required as a direct result of an emergency injury/surgery/condition)
- Elective procedures
- Insurance purchase/premiums
- Herbal/supplement/dietary/experimental treatments
- Any non-medical expenses, even if the result of an emergency
Grants cannot be requested for treatment, prescriptions, or other expenses related to a chronic condition, or a progressive/age-related condition such as arthritis or cataracts, unless there are extenuating circumstances which cause an unexpected and severe worsening of the condition. Example: A recent traumatic incident triggered a flareup of an existing mental health condition.
Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical, dental, or mental health attention or limit activities of daily living or both.
Funds go directly to the artist, not a medical provider, unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise, with pre-approval from NYFA. Grant awards are routinely paid via direct deposit.
Due to the large number of qualified applications and the limited amount of funds, NYFA uses a two-step award process.
- Applications are reviewed by NYFA Grants Staff for eligibility and completeness. Eligible applications will are then assessed by an outside panel based on the criterion.
- Demonstrated need.
- Severity of the medical/dental/mental health condition.
- Economic severity of the condition.
- The potential impact of funding on the artist’s ability to continue/return to their creative practice.
- Following the panel review, the top pool of applications based on scores is placed into a lottery for the final awards.
Please note, this is a very competitive program, and an application is not a guarantee of support.
We take the privacy of applicants and recipients seriously. The names of recipients of emergency grants are not published on our website or in our 990 or other financial documents. All reviewers sign confidentiality agreements, and the medical documentation and financial information such as tax returns is kept confidential and only seen by staff.
NYFA is committed to supporting artists from every background, and at all stages in their creative careers. We strongly encourage artists of color, LGBTQ+ artists, artists with disabilities, and artists living outside of the New York area to apply.
Submit your application
Applications must be in English (though they may be translated by someone other than the applicant) and can be completed by a proxy if needed.
All applications, including support materials, should be submitted online via Submittable.* First-time users will need to register with the free Submittable platform to access the application portal.
ApplyApplications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted and no exceptions will be made. We strongly recommend that applicants complete their applications in advance of the deadline to avoid potential technical problems.
Applicants will receive an automatic response from Submittable once their application has been successfully received.
*We understand that under certain conditions, it may be easier for an artist to submit a paper application, or receive assistance with an online application. Please contact [email protected] or 212-366-6900 ext. 239 to request assistance or an accommodation. We request that requests for accommodation be made as soon as possible, preferably two weeks prior to the deadline, to allow adequate time for staff to support you in submitting an application on time.
This recorded information session was held on July 30, 2024 and covers program guidelines, the application, and includes a Q&A from the live session.
For urgent questions, please contact Mollie Quinlan-Hayes at [email protected] or 212-366-6900 (Ext. 239). Inquiries to the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation will be forwarded directly to [email protected].
The artist must be the sole or primary creator of the artwork, and have full and final artistic control. If you assist the primary creator, or if you interpret another artist’s work such as music or choreography, you are not eligible.
You must show recent and sustained artistic activity in an eligible discipline(s) over the course of at least the last five years, since 2020, on your resume/bio/CV. You must list multiple opportunities for the public to experience your work, including the year, location (city or town and venue), and title. This can be through exhibits/screenings/performances/activities in art spaces, galleries, local businesses, art houses/film series, public art installations, public spaces, museums, fairs/festivals, community projects, and/or residencies with public-facing components. Works in progress are eligible; student exhibits, performances, and other activities are not. We do not accept portfolios/work samples as evidence of recent and sustained artistic activity. Reduced activity during the pandemic (2020/21) is acceptable if, in such cases, you are able to demonstrate public activity prior to 2020.
Work that is created for online distribution and consumption is eligible IF it is a creative work, and was actively marketed to the public for showing at a specific date and time. If self-produced online presentations or sales of your work are your sole platform, such as Instagram or YouTube, or your work is only available on-demand, we cannot consider your application eligible.
This program is intended for artists who work consistently and regularly in one or more of the eligible artforms, not those whose work in an eligible artform is tangential or incidental or infrequent. For example, a theater director who created movement for one or two productions as part of their direction would not be considered a choreographer.
You may apply if you work in multiple disciplines, as long as you have sustained public-facing activity in one or more of this program’s designated disciplines over at least the last five years (2020-2025).
Clearly indicate on your resume that you were the choreographer, dancer, or both for each credit.
We can only consider work that is self-standing within the designated disciplines.
Recognizing the lengthy production process of many independent film/video projects, we will consider production activity within the required recent artistic history, although public screenings/showings of the artist’s work must also have taken place.
None. These applications are reviewed for Demonstrated Need only, so no work samples and portfolios are necessary.
No, please feel free to submit your full resume. One, because we don’t want you to have to create a new resume for this application; and two, because seeing your complete artistic history is helpful contextual information. However, if you do want to submit just the last five years’ activity, be sure that it runs from 2020 to the present.
Yes, this program is only open to artists in financial need, with an averaged adjusted gross income (from your two most recent federal tax returns) of $75,000 or less; $150,000 or less if you file jointly.
A one-time, unexpected, non-chronic condition as a result of illness, violence, an accident or triggering event, or sudden medical event, that requires treatment to ensure your health or life, and which without treatment has extreme impact on your daily life and ability to carry out/return to your creative practice.
No, funds can only be used for a one-time, unexpected health-related condition. We do not cover expenses for treatment, prescriptions, or other expenses related to a chronic condition. Extenuating circumstances which cause an unexpected and severe worsening of the condition may be considered at the discretion of the panel. Example: A recent traumatic incident triggered a flareup of an existing mental health condition.
If you have recently been diagnosed with a condition which requires long-term treatment, such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, you may apply for the expenses of your initial exams/diagnosis, any emergency surgery, and other urgently-needed treatment to stabilize your condition.
Grant funds can be requested for expenses directly related to the emergency for up to 12 months following the date it occurred (a series of treatments to resolve the problem, physical therapy, etc.).
- Provide as much detail on your own as you can
- Find typical expenses in your area
- Request the maximum likely amount
- If you are awarded a grant, you can discuss receiving funds ahead of time to allow you to pay for exams/diagnosis.
Submit what you have, and we encourage you to estimate the highest likely amount up to the maximum of $5,000. If you receive a grant, you will ultimately only receive funding in the amount of your actual costs.
A PDF of no more than 15 pages including:
- Record of diagnosis/injury from your medical provider with the date of the emergency
- Document from your medical provider of what treatment was/is required
- Date(s)
- Type
- Your actual or estimated financial obligation
- No photos or x-rays, please
Provide information on the primary condition/diagnosis and the expense. Staff will reach out to you for more information if your application moves forward in the panel process.
Our deadlines are firm. If the only item you are missing is the medical documentation, and you expect to receive it shortly, go ahead and apply. If your application moves to the next stage of the process, staff will reach out to you for material. Otherwise, plan to apply in the next cycle if your emergency occurred during the eligible time window.
We recommend that in selecting which emergency to apply for, you consider which:
- Has the highest eligible expenses up to $5,000
- Meets our definition of emergency
- Has the most solid documentation
If all other requirements are met, you may apply for expenses related to both.
Yes, you may request funds for expenses you have already paid and/or expenses not yet paid or incurred.
Yes, if it is prescribed by a medical professional, limited in scope and is vital to recovery from the emergency cited.
Yes, if they are prescribed by a medical professional and are vital to recovery from the emergency cited and not ongoing in nature.
Yes, if it is prescribed by a medical professional and is vital to recovery from the emergency cited and not ongoing in nature.
No, these are generally not eligible expenses.
Yes, if it is prescribed by a medical professional and is vital to recovery from the emergency cited and not ongoing in nature.
If you can demonstrate your condition is at a point where treatment is urgently necessary to protect your life or health, you can apply. For example:
- A broken tooth wasn’t repaired and it is now infected
- An injury from a past fall wasn’t treated and has recently gotten much worse, requiring treatment
Elective or pre-planned treatment is not eligible.
This program can only accept applications for the emergency medical expenses of the artist themselves.
No. Only out-of-pocket emergency medical expenses are eligible.
No, the fund only covers medical, dental, or mental health expenses, no other damages or loss of property.
No, funds can only be used for medical emergencies as outlined above. Please refer to NYFA’s website for other kinds of emergency or financial support.
Yes, you may ask for any amount up to $5,000.
Our support is to help grantees to recover and return to their creative practice. Therefore, grants are generally awarded at the maximum amount of eligible expenses, up to $5,000 (sometimes these are less than the actual requested amount). NYFA reserves the right to determine eligible and reasonable expenses to support through this grant program.
We anticipate notifying applicants of their status within six weeks of the application deadline. For those receiving grants, additional documentation is required, and payment processing can take a minimum of up to 30 business days after all paperwork is submitted. These processing times are subject to change.
Yes. If you are awarded a grant, you will need to provide copies of paid bills/receipts for the emergency expenses described in your application.
We classify these as emergency grants, and you will not receive a 1099 for these funds.
Grant funds are only sent to the artist, not a medical provider, unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise, with pre-approval from NYFA. Grant awards are routinely paid via direct deposit.
A pool of funds is allocated for each cycle. Cycles will occur bi-monthly through at least June 2025. If you are an unsuccessful applicant, and continue to meet eligibility requirements (including the date of your emergency), you may reapply with a new application in a future cycle.
To receive your grant, you will need to sign a Letter of Agreement and provide other formal documentation including copies of your medical bills/invoices. We require a report six months after the award to know how your recovery and work are progressing. We may request an interim report after two-three months, as well.
Yes. We understand that certain medical conditions may make it necessary for a proxy to complete the application, but the funds will only be released to the artist who has experienced the emergency.
We do accept applications completed and submitted by a proxy; if the grant is awarded, the artist themself will need to legally accept the grant.
Yes. We understand that under certain conditions, it may be easier for an artist to submit a paper application. If this is of interest, please email [email protected] or call 212- 366-6900 ext. 239 to speak with the program coordinator.
If you have MS Office, and you have the files as Word, you should have Adobe Acrobat on your computer or you can download it for free, and you can save the doc or an email from your provider as an Adobe pdf file.
For medical documentation, the best choice is to scan up to 15 pages and have them saved as one PDF. If you don’t have a scanner, if you have a friend or relative close by with a scanner, or can get to a FedEx-type shop, that’s best. If not, you can contact the program coordinator at [email protected] to make arrangements.
Yes. To save your application as a draft, scroll to the bottom of your working application and select “Save Draft.” Sign in to your submittable account to view your draft applications. You can’t also sign in via the direct link to saved drafts here.
We highly suggest using a laptop or desktop computer to complete your application on the platform, rather than a mobile device or tablet. Free access to these types of computers are available at most public library branches, including those throughout New York City. For a smoother performance, we recommend using either Firefox or Chrome as your browser. If you’re already using Chrome, please clear the browser cache and cookies. Additionally, please make sure you are using the most up to date version of your browser.
If you are still running into technical issues, you can reach out to Submittable’s Support team directly via the contact form, Submitter Support, or via the support email address [email protected] so that they can troubleshoot directly.
To preview your submitted application, please sign in to your Submittable account. If you continue having issues viewing your submission, please reach out to [email protected] for further assistance.
Note: Submitted applications should only be previewed using the link above; you may not be able to preview your submitted application by signing in through the same portal link you used to apply.
By completing this information you are helping NYFA secure future funding, collect general information about our audience, and properly assess our effectiveness in serving the creative community. Your responses will remain anonymous and any personally identifying data will be removed prior to sharing the demographic data with third parties.
Any questions?