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Person using AI tool at job

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools Can Help In Your Job Search

Job seekers are increasingly utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in their job searches and getting promising results. According to a survey by Resume Builder, 7 in 10 job seekers who have used a ChatGPT-generated resume or cover letter reported a higher response rate from companies (78% got an interview and 59% got hired).  AI tools have…

An individual sits in front of a laptop, pencil and paper in hand

How to Build and Maintain a Strong List of References

While hiring practices are constantly evolving, one piece of the hiring puzzle that still exists is providing prospective employers with references who can speak to the quality of your work and character. 87% of employers surveyed by SHRM said that they conduct pre-employment background and reference checks. Therefore, it is best to have a list…

Close-up of an individual's hands, one holding a pen that rests on a notepad near a closed computer.

How to Create a Master Resume and Save Time on Your Job Applications

A master resume is a comprehensive collection of all your professional experiences. While not intended to be shared in job applications, it can be used as a tool for creating targeted resumes without having to start from scratch every single time. In this post, we will explore how to write your master resume, guide you…

Three individuals walk down a hallway in a professional setting with a colorful mural blurred behind them. They are smiling and laughing.

Your Professional Network: 5 Ways to Stay Connected Online and In Person

There are many ways to expand your network. When you’ve met someone at an event, whether it was in person or online, connect with them on LinkedIn. In your connection request’s message include a brief message about your meeting earlier that day/week, reminding them of who you are, your affiliation, and/or your conversation with them.…

Blue and orange puzzle pieces have been joined together in the light orange background. In the foreground, a dark orange hand holding a dark orange puzzle piece is about to join it to a blue piece that is held by a blue hand on the right.

How You May Be Unintentionally Discouraging Creative Job Applicants

Job listings are a reflection of your company. Here’s how to put your best foot forward when attracting applicants. Your job listings are a reflection of the company, whether you run a large or small arts organization, you’re new on the scene or well-established, and everyone in between. When recruiting for a company, it’s best…