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Business of Art | Literary Submissions 101

Top tips for getting your work seen by editors and publishers. When it comes to getting your work published, writing is only half of the job. Submitting your work to publications is also a big part of being a writer, and it requires some strategizing. Not sure where to begin? We compiled a series of…

Get the Yes: Application Tips for Writers from BinderCon NYC

Planning ahead pays off, and so does “becoming one with the spreadsheet.” Last fall, NYFA staff members attended BinderCon NYC, a professional development conference for women and gender non-conforming writers. The biannual, bi-coastal conference is hosted by Out of the Binders, a non-profit dedicated to promoting gender parity in the literary world. Find out more…

Interview with Leigh Stein & NYFA at BinderCon NYC 2016

“Take a look at the media you spend money on, and how much of it is by women or gender non-conforming writers.” Out of the Binders is a non-profit devoted to advancing the careers of women and gender non-conforming writers by connecting them with the skills, knowledge, and networking opportunities they need to get ahead…